Thursday, October 21, 2010

Minor Tweak/How You Can Help

A couple of notes about my blog:

1. Just in case you were wondering... you might have noticed if you are reading via the Weightless site itself (as opposed to the RSS feed) that I've changed the banner from "Weightless: A Blog for Women" to "Weightless: A Healthy Living Blog."  While women's health issues are still my primary focus, I got to thinking about it and I don't want to discourage men from reading the blog.  I mean, it's not like I have tampon clip art all over the blog or anything, but when I thought about it, I guess calling it "A Blog for Women" might seem like I don't want men reading it.  Which is certainly not the case.  So Weightless is now an equal-opportunity site.  Maybe I can get a federal grant for that?  No?

2. If you like my blog, please continue to help me make it grow.  You can do this in one or more of the following ways:  1.) Sign up on the left hand side of the page to "Follow" me.  It's easy and just takes a minute. 2.) If you have a blog, consider adding me to your blogroll.  In return, I will add you to mine.  3.) Click on the ads - it makes me money!  4.) If you got here from Facebook, click "share" to share one or more of my blog posts with your friends if you liked it.

3. Tell me about you!  I'm soliciting guest posts about weight loss. Particularly, I'd like to see stories about significant weight loss, but I'd also like to hear from people who are maintaining their weight successfully (and how they are doing it) as well as people who are struggling with losing weight (and why).  I'd love for this site to be an open forum for discussion and sharing, so please consider sending me your story.  You can send it to  I will give you a heads-up before publishing it. 

I'll keep blogging as long as you all keep reading.  Thank you for your support! 


E. Jane said...

I've been following you and have had you on my blogroll for some time.. I'm one of those in the process of weight loss. It took me a few weeks to get rolling, but it's going well now. I am enjoying your posts, so keep it up!

Gabrielle Visca said...

Thanks Jane! I appreciate the comment, and keep up the hard work! I'll put you on my blog roll as well.